
Welcome to the game "Ha-Shi's Adobencha!"

In this version you will experience some of the gameplay of the game and some puzzles!

You control two characters (Ha and Shi) through a single keyboard.

HA controls: A (left)   W (jump)   D (right)

SHI controls: ← (left)  ↑ (jump)  →(right)

Thanks for playing the game! Have fun!


Bem vindo ao protótipo do jogo "Ha-Shi's Adobencha!".

Nessa versão você experimentará um pouco da jogabilidade do jogo e seus puzzles!

Você controla dois personagens ( Ha e Shi) por meio de um único teclado!

Controles HA : A (esquerda)  W (pulo)  D (direita).

Controles SHI: ← (esquerda) ↑ (pulo) →(direita).

Obrigado por testar e BOM JOGO!


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(1 edit)

I had a hard time keeping the letters on the character heads


Sorry to hear about that. But thank you to try it!
I will improve this game in the future!

Had difficulties getting the characters to stick on the heads, but other than that I really like it, good job!

Thank you very much for trying it
I will do my best to improve this game soon!

good wordplay!! had fun with my partner playing this :D

Thank you very much for playing it!
This game is not complete tho, I'll improve it in the future!